High-ticket services take a little more convincing to sell, and lifecycle emailing is a surefire and necessary way to get the ball rolling. Lifecycle emails influence and entice prospective and recurring customers and guide them on their journey with the high-ticket service you provide. You can successfully market your high-ticket service with well-planned lifecycle emails.
To use lifecycle email marketing for high-ticket services, you should plan your email lifecycle by evaluating your service and dividing the customer journey into email stages. Once you have mapped out your high-ticket service email stages, you can tailor emails and devise strategies for each.
Planning marketing emails for your high-ticket service is easier said than done. We will cover how to market your service with email lifecycles and explain some strategies you can use within an email lifecycle model to help you plan.
How to Market High Ticket Services with Lifecycle Emails
Since your service is high-ticket, your marketing is vital as potential customers take longer to consider your product due to price. Your email cycle needs to pierce through a customer's reluctance to spend money and fill the gaps for any objections they may have.
Your sales cycle is unique to your service, as high-ticket services can range from life coaching to legal advice. Research is vital in marketing, so you'll need to understand your customer base to the T before you can structure a well-thought email. You also need to understand your potential clients' mindset from the browsing stage to post-service to reel them in and have them become repeat customers.
The customer journey starts before they purchase your service and continues afterward. Understanding life cycle email psychology helps you set up your marketing strategy. Your emails must function according to the lifecycle stages to build your customer base and loyalty.
The email lifecycle stages are:
You can design your email lifecycle by considering the different stages, and it is advised to cater to each for a successful email marketing approach.
We will have a look at the various phases and examples of each.
1. Brand Awareness Email Lifecycle
Brand awareness lets potential customers know what your high-ticket service is all about. When structuring awareness emails, you'll want to consider all the aspects that attract and convince your target market.
It would help if you considered what your service provides, the value of your service, your business's mission statement, core business values, and anything you'd like your business to represent.
2. Contemplation Email Lifecycle
The most important aspect of the contemplation stage is to show the value your service brings. Once someone has shown an interest in your high-ticket service, an email can convert them into a paying customer. You still need to bring awareness of your service, but the email should try to be more personal and show what your service can do for them.
3. Buying Email Lifecycle
A thank you is due when your customer has graced you with payment. You aim to keep customers returning, so maintaining their loyalty is vital. You should make paying customers feel special and have them feel heard.
4. Retention Email Lifecycle
If you want to keep customers returning to buy your service, emails can help with that. Retention emails keep your customer engagement high and stop them from forgetting about your service and losing interest.
5. Rewarding Loyalty Email Lifecycle
A business should always notice customer loyalty. Word-of-mouth marketing is the most powerful. If a customer has taken their time to spread the word about your high-ticket service or has become a regular customer, making them feel special strengthens their relationship with the business.
Final Thoughts
An email lifecycle is a crucial marketing tool for your high-ticket service. You can design emails between brand awareness, contemplation, buying, retention, and rewarding loyalty email lifecycles.
Although it takes some effort to set things up, your email list and that connection may end up being your company's most important resource. So it’s work worth doing.
(Related: 9 Email Nurture Campaign Best Practices That Will Quickly Turn Leads Into Customers)